TUMORI a Journal of Clinical and Experimental Oncology
Volume 95 - Number 5, September-October 2009
3rd International Cancer Control Congress Monograph
- Marco A Pierotti, Andrea Micheli, Simon B Sutcliffe
The 3rd International Cancer Control Congress: international collaboration in an era of cancer as a global concern
Tumori 2009; 95: 565-567
- Joe B Harford, Brenda K Edwards, Ambakumar Nandakumar, Paul Ndom, Riccardo Capocaccia, Michel P Coleman, and the ICCC-3 Session A group
Cancer control-planning and monitoring population-based systems
Tumori 2009; 95: 568-578 - Andrea Micheli, Natalia Sanz, Faith Mwangi-Powell, Michel P Coleman, Claire Neal, Andreas Ullrich, Luzia Travado, Luiz Antonio Santini, Luigi Grassi, Francesco De Lorenzo, Alberto Costa, Jean-Marie Dangou, Luigi Bisanti, Adele Seniori Costantini, Niveen Abu-Rmeileh, Mostafa Kamal, Massimo Federico, Rodolfo Saracci, Gad Rennert, Angelo Stefanini, Franco Cavalli, Eduardo Cazap, Kathy Redmond, Susan O’Reilly, Paola Muti, Paolo Casali, Gemma Gatta, Andrea Ferrari, Sergio Koifman, Ebrima Bah, Guido Pastore, Ronald Barr, Claudio Lombardo, Cristina Frazzingaro, Roberta Ciampichini, Paolo Baili, and the ICCC-3 Session B group
International collaborations in cancer control and the Third International Cancer Control Congress
Tumori 2009; 95: 579-596 - Silvana Luciani, Lianne Vardy, Eugenio Paci, Isaac Adewole, Annie Sasco, Tania Calvacante, and the ICCC-3 Session C group
Cancer prevention and population-based screening
Tumori 2009; 95: 597-609 - Jon F Kerner, Eduardo Cazap, Derek Yach, Marco A Pierotti, Maria Grazia Daidone, Pasquale de Blasio, Peter Geary, Brent Schacter, Milena Sant, J Dik F Habbema, Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, Catherine Sutcliffe, Simon Sutcliffe, and the ICCC-3 Session D group
Comprehensive cancer control-research &development: knowing what we do and doing what we know
Tumori 2009; 95: 610-622 - Renée Otter, You-Lin Qiao, Robert Burton, Massoud Samiei, Max Parkin, Edward Trapido, David Weller, Ian Magrath, Simon Sutcliffe, and the ICCC-3 Session E group
Organization of population-based cancer control programs: Europe and the World
Tumori 2009; 95: 623-636 - Edward J Trapido, Josep Maria Borras, Robert Burton, Massoud Samiei, Mark Elwood, and the ICCC-3 Session F group
Critical factors influencing the establishment, maintenance and sustainability of population-based cancer control programs
Tumori 2009; 95: 637-645
Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì 16 marzo 2010